2013 in 10 highlights

2013 was quite a year… And I know I’ve said I wouldn’t make that kind of post but then… I just couldn’t stop myself anymore. I had to go through my memories and remember 13 facts of 2013 that could make you laugh or make you incredibly jealous. Obviously I would have rather focus on the second one but 2013 was what it was!

1/ I’ve got bitten by a penguin


Some of you know me and know how much I love penguins so when Robb got me a “meet the penguins” present I couldn’t have been happier. Feeding them, coming near them, a dream. But then I learned a lesson: penguins bite… And it hurts a lot! So note to myself: do NOT keep the fish in your hand if you want to keep your fingers! Vicious creatures…

2/ I sat on 2 thrones


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Yes 2 thrones! I rule so many kingdoms now… We had a chance to go and see the GoT (Game of Thrones) exhibition in Amsterdam where we sat on the Iron Throne. Later this year we also sat on a throne in Hue this time all dressed up.

3/ I went canyoning...


… and I seriously didn’t like it! I mean not only my legs can proove it with the amount of bruises and blood that was there but I was just terrified the entire way… Clearly I’m not doing that again (ever… seriously…no!)


4/ I stopped using my camera on the A setting.


Best…thing…ever… I mean the Automatic is alright I guess but discovering the Manual and what I could finally do with it? Amazing and such a great feeling! Makes you feel so good about yourself when you check your pictures!

5/ I only screamed 50 times.

That’s quite an achievement don’t you think? I mean between the cockroaches in the room in Hue, the lezard in the bathroom at night in Saigon and the numerous time I thought I was going to die while abseiling a waterfall or on the back of the bike while 2 buses were driving on our side of the road I think it’s quite a good achievement!

6/ I definitively discovered that Indian food was not my kind of food.

Yep… That’s the promise of some fun times in 2014… The more I try the sicker I get when I try Indian food. And when your boyfriend is an Indian food lover well… It makes the sacrifice even greater when you go to an Indian restaurant. It’s commitment ladies & gentlemen, it tells you how much I love that guy! As soon as I open the door of an Indian restaurant I cry a bit thinking of the night I’m gonna have.

7/ I did not get over my fear of needles.

One of the perks of travelling is that you need some shot before you leave. I thought that maybe with time I’ll get better and that needles wouldn’t scare me so much. I was wrong. Yep… Ask the nurse…

8/ I got engaged!


I had to have a happy one after all those terrible stuff! We got engaged on a beautiful cruise in Halong Bay. And now starts the questions from the family “When?” “Where?” Yeahhh…

9/ I developped a new technique the “Shoot on a bike”

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Nothing to do with drugs.Just after 3 months in Vietnam I became pretty good at taking pictures on the back of the bike. It’s quite a technique to hold your bag, shoot with the camera and zoom if needed!

10/ I left most of my possessions behind.

2013 was also the big moment for us when we left the house and sold everything. Now my possessions can hold in a box and in my backpack. Bye bye useless clothes, bye bye useless and weird stuff I owned, don’t need you anymore!

So now bring it on 2014 I’m ready for you!

4 responses to “2013 in 10 highlights

  1. what a varied year! I love 8 of course – congratulations!! but I particularly like 4 – that is where we got to last year too, it is amazing how quick it is to learn how to do it yourself and how much better the photos are!

  2. As someone who follows your travels, it was so nice to read about the “foreplay” of your trip! Although the engagement is really a special moment (it was for us too), I think in 2014 you will find much harder to pick just 10 moments of your fantastic year traveling!

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